We offer email advice from a specialist solicitor on all issues affecting migrant, asylum-seeking and refugee children and young people, whether they are separated or in families.


Who can contact us?

If you need advice, you can email immigrationadvice@coramclc.org.uk and we will respond to your email as soon as we can. This service provides one-off advice; we cannot take on cases.

Please note that we do not offer telephone advice.

We will try to help anyone with a query – front line practitioners in the statutory and voluntary sectors, parents/carers, and children and young people themselves. The demand for this advice is high and there may be a delay in responding to your query. To minimise delay in providing advice, please give as many relevant details as possible in your initial email.


This advice is confidential. If you contact us for email advice, we will keep your contact details in order to follow up on your enquiry. We store some anonymised data, such as age of children and query topic, to help us to improve our service.

If you contact us by email, we may send you an email survey after you have received advice within twelve months of first contact. If you would not like to receive this, please let us know in your advice email.

We store personal information given to us by people who contact us for advice, securely, for six years from the date you contact us, after which date it is permanently deleted. We do this because we need to keep secure copies of the advice we give  to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner. You can ask for a copy of your data, or for your personal data to be deleted, at any point. Find out more about what information we hold, how we use it and how it’s kept safe by reading our privacy policy.

