The Migrant Children’s Project

Our Migrant Children’s Project (MCP) provides one-to-one legal advice on issues affecting children subject to immigration control through email advice and outreach programme and a range of free resources and online information. It provides training to practitioners working with young refugees and migrants. The MCP also undertakes research and policy advocacy, combining specialist technical knowledge about the domestic and international law with evidence from front-line work, to ensure children’s rights are embedded in law and in practice.

Legal Practice

Our Legal Practice Unit (LPU) has a legal aid contract to provide legal casework advice, assistance and legal representation to clients in relation to immigration and asylum matters, such as:

We undertake work at all stages of the immigration and asylum process, including representing children, young people and families in appeals and applications for judicial review.

We may be able to assist in the following areas, which are not normally covered by legal aid:

Our LPU team dealing with these cases is very small and so we often have very limited capacity to take on new cases. If you want to see if we can help, please contact our MCP advice line for initial advice and to see if we can help you further.

Pro bono nationality representation

There is no legal aid for legal advice on nationality issues but we run the Children’s Pro Bono Legal Service in partnership with two city law firms to provide free legal advice on children’s nationality and citizenship issues.
