Coram welcomes report on special educational needs and disability in England

Today’s independent report by the Isos Partnership, commissioned by the County Councils Network and the Local Government Association, provides a comprehensive analysis of systemic issues within the SEND system and asserts that reform is essential and unavoidable – it’s a matter of when, not if.

The report sets out a broad and comprehensive blueprint for reform, featuring the following key recommendations:

  • A national framework that describes types and levels of needs, and that provides clarity about the levels of need to be met in mainstream education and expectations of ordinarily available provision;
  • A ‘core offer’ of targeted, multi-disciplinary support that all education settings can access without children requiring a statutory plan;
  • Reform of the statutory framework so the state can set out a clear, consistent, equitable and sustainable offer including regular personalised assessments;
  • Local inclusion partnerships (LA, health, education, PCF, representative local groups) with statutory powers and joint funding for strategic planning and commissioning to meet local needs;
  • Independent sector to be used strategically for highly specialist provision complementing rather than replacing local state-funded provision – with equivalence of regulatory standards and funding.

Coram welcomes the release of this report, that underscores the pressing need for reform.

Dr Carol Homden, Coram Group CEO, said:

Every day we see children’s childhoods passing while they wait for suitable education and support. Children cannot be blamed for spiralling cost; the issue lies in insufficiency of planning and adversarial processes. All too often the system produces conflict and delay, with huge stress on families and children ultimately missing out.

As the country’s longest-serving provider of legally aided education law services, we support this report’s call for fundamental reform. A new approach is needed that places partnership at the heart of support for our children.



